
Peer-reviewed scientific articles

  • Palacin V., McDonald S., Aragón P., Nelimarkka M. (2024): Configurations of Digital Participatory Budgeting. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction
  • Ferreira P., Hockenhull M., Ojala M., Cardozo R., Nelimarkka M., Lampinen A. (2024): Nordic Perspectives on Algorithmic Systems Card Box. Interactions
  • Nelimarkka M., Vuorenmaa V. (2024): What Do We Study When Studying Politics and Democracy? A Semantic Analysis of How Politics and Democracy Are Used in SIGCHI Conference Papers. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction
  • Berg A., Nelimarkka M. (2023): Do you see what I see? Measuring the semantic differences in image‐recognition services' outputs. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology
  • Argyle L., Terman R., Nelimarkka M. (2022): Religious Freedom in the City Pool: Gender Segregation, Partisanship, and the Construction of Symbolic Boundaries. Politics and Religion
  • Schwartz S., Nelimarkka M., Larsson A. (2022): Populist platform strategies: a comparative study of social media campaigning by Nordic right-wing populist parties. Information, Communication & Society
  • Nikunen K., Hokka J., Nelimarkka M. (2021): Affective Practice of Soldiering: How Sharing Images Is Used to Spread Extremist and Racist Ethos on Soldiers of Odin Facebook Site. Television & New Media
  • Toivanen P., Nelimarkka M., Valaskivi K. (2021): Remediation in the hybrid media environment: Understanding countermedia in context. New Media & Society
  • Nelimarkka M., Leinonen T., Durall E., Dean P. (2021): Facebook is not a silver bullet for teachers’ professional development: Anatomy of an eight-year-old social-media community. Computers & Education
  • Nelimarkka M., Salovaara A., Jacucci G. (2021): Exploring Norm Violations and Norm Management in Collocated Synchronous Communication: Dual-channel Communication as Hybrid Space with Spillover and Asymmetries. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction
  • Hokka J., Nelimarkka M. (2020): Affective economy of national-populist images: Investigating national and transnational online networks through visual big data. New Media & Society
  • Laaksonen S., Haapoja J., Kinnunen T., Nelimarkka M., Pöyhtäri R. (2020): The Datafication of Hate: Expectations and Challenges in Automated Hate Speech Monitoring. Frontiers in Big Data
  • Nelimarkka M., Laaksonen S., Tuokko M., Valkonen T. (2020): Platformed Interactions: How Social Media Platforms Relate to Candidate–Constituent Interaction During Finnish 2015 Election Campaigning. Social Media + Society
  • Pääkkönen J., Nelimarkka M., Haapoja J., Lampinen A. (2020): Bureaucracy as a Lens for Analyzing and Designing Algorithmic Systems. Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
  • Grön K., Nelimarkka M. (2020): Party Politics, Values and the Design of Social Media Services. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction
  • Nelimarkka M. (2019): Aihemallinnus sekä muut ohjaamattomat koneoppimismenetelmät yhteiskuntatieteellisessä tutkimuksessa: muutama kriittinen havainto. Politiikka
  • Pantti M., Nelimarkka M., Nikunen K., Titley G. (2019): The meanings of racism: Public discourses about racism in Finnish news media and online discussion forums. European Journal of Communication
  • Pöyhtäri R., Nelimarkka M., Nikunen K., Ojala M., Pantti M., Pääkkönen J. (2019): Refugee debate and networked framing in the hybrid media environment. International Communication Gazette
  • Nelimarkka M., Rancy J., Grygiel J., Semaan B. (2019): (Re)Design to Mitigate Political Polarization. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction
  • Nelimarkka M. (2019): A Review of Research on Participation in Democratic Decision-Making Presented at SIGCHI Conferences. Toward an Improved Trading Zone Between Political Science and HCI. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction
  • Tulilaulu A., Nelimarkka M., Paalasmaa J., Johnson D., Ventura D., Myllys P., Toivonen H. (2018): Data Musicalization. ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications
  • Laaksonen S., Nelimarkka M. (2018): Omat ja muiden aiheet: Laskennallinen analyysi vaalijulkisuuden teemoista ja aiheomistajuudesta. Politiikka
  • Nelimarkka M., Hellas A. (2018): Social Help-seeking Strategies in a Programming MOOC. Proceedings of the 49th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education - SIGCSE '18
  • Nelimarkka M., Laaksonen S., Semaan B. (2018): Social Media Is Polarized, Social Media Is Polarized. Proceedings of the 2018 on Designing Interactive Systems Conference 2018 - DIS '18
  • Nelimarkka M., Sund R. (2017): Viestinnän mittaaminen big datan avulla. Procomma
  • Laaksonen S., Nelimarkka M., Tuokko M., Marttila M., Kekkonen A., Villi M. (2017): Working the fields of big data: Using big-data-augmented online ethnography to study candidate–candidate interaction at election time. Journal of Information Technology and Politics
  • Nelimarkka M., Salovaara A., Semaan B., Jacucci G. (2017): Theory-Driven Collocated CMC. Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI '17
  • Nelimarkka M. (2016): Kansalaisjärjestöt ja osallistumisvälineiden kehitys verkkosivuilla 1990-luvulta 2010-luvulle. Widerscreen
  • Vepsäläinen J., Savolainen P., Ojala J., Rienzo A., Nelimarkka M., Kuikkaniemi K., Tarkoma S., Jacucci G. (2016): Web-Based Public-Screen Gaming: Insights from Deployments. IEEE Pervasive Computing
  • Marttila M., Laaksonen S., Kekkonen A., Tuokko M., Nelimarkka M. (2016): Digitaalinen vaaliteltta: Twitter politiikan areenana eduskuntavaaleissa 2015. Eduskuntavaalitutkimus 2015: Poliittisen osallistumisen eriytyminen
  • Nelimarkka M., Kuikkaniemi K., Salovaara A., Jacucci G. (2016): Live Participation. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems - DIS '16
  • Nelimarkka M., Lehtinen V., Ukkonen A., Kuikkaniemi K., Jacucci G. (2015): Threading and conversation in co-located chats. Computers in Human Behavior
  • Nelimarkka M., Vihavainen A. (2015): Alumni & Tenured Participants in MOOCs. Proceedings of the Second (2015) ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale - L@S '15
  • Vepsäläinen J., Di Rienzo A., Nelimarkka M., Ojala J., Savolainen P., Kuikkaniemi K., Tarkoma S., Jacucci G. (2015): Personal Device as a Controller for Interactive Surfaces. Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Interactive Tabletops & Surfaces - ITS '15
  • Nelimarkka M., Kuikkaniemi K., Jacucci G. (2014): A Field Trial of an Anonymous Backchannel Among Primary School Pupils. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Supporting Group Work
  • Leinonen T., Durall E., Kuikkaniemi K., Mikkonen T., Syvänen A., Nelimarkka M., Toikkanen T. (2014): Design for Learning: Enhancing Participation in Learning through Design Thinking. World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications
  • Nelimarkka M., Nonnecke B., Krishnan S., Aitamurto T., Crittenden C., Garland C., Gregory C., Huang C. (2014): Comparing Three Online Civic Engagement Platforms using the “Spectrum of Public Participation” Framework. The Internet, Policy & Politics Conference
  • Kuikkaniemi K., Vilkki M., Ojala J., Nelimarkka M., Jacucci G. (2013): Introducing Kupla UI : A Generic Interactive Wall User Interface Based on Spherical Widgets. Proceedings of the 2013 ACM international conference on Interactive tabletops and surfaces
  • Kuikkaniemi K., Lehtinen V., Nelimarkka M., Vilkki M., Ojala J., Jacucci G. (2013): Designing for presenters at public walk-up-and-use displays. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction
  • Kuikkaniemi K., Nelimarkka M., Lievonen P., Reitmaa J. (2013): MetaGroups : a method for collective innovation at large conferences. CO-CREATE 2013. The Boundary Crossing Conference on Co-Design in Innovation
  • Nelimarkka M. (2011): Viranomaiset ja sähköinen kansalaisosallistuminen -- asiantuntijahaastatteluiden perusteella luotu aktantiaalinen malli. Hallinnon Tutkimus
  • Karikoski J., Nelimarkka M. (2011): Measuring social relations with multiple datasets. International Journal of Social Computing and Cyber-Physical Systems
  • Karikoski J., Nelimarkka M. (2010): Measuring Social Relations: Case OtaSizzle. 2010 IEEE Second International Conference on Social Computing
  • Nelimarkka M. (2008): The Use of Ubiquitous Media in Politics How ubiquitous life effects into political life today and what might happen in the future. Mindtrek 2008
  • Nelimarkka M., Suomela R. (2007): Wireless Education Platform - an Open Source Way to Create Mobile Education. Computers and Advanced Technology in Education

Non-refereed scientific articles

  • Palacin V., Nelimarkka M., Reynolds-Cuéllar P., Becker C. (2020): The Design of Pseudo-Participation. Proceedings of the 16th Participatory Design Conference 2020 - Participation(s) Otherwise - Volume 2
  • Nelimarkka M., Laaksonen S. (2018): Bitit ja politiikka : Tervetuloa laskennallinen yhteiskuntatieteen tutkimus. Politiikka
  • Nelimarkka M., Jacucci G., Salovaara A., Dow S., O'Hara K., Barkhuus L., Fischer J. (2018): Hybrid Events. Companion of the 2018 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing - CSCW '18
  • Kaye J., Nelimarkka M., Kauppinen R., Vartiainen S., Isosomppi P. (2011): Mobile family interaction: how to use mobile technology to bring trust, safety and wellbeing into families. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services

Publications intended for professional communities

  • Nelimarkka M., Vainio N., Kinnunen N. (2011): Ohjelmointia Scratchin kanssa.


  • Nelimarkka M. (2014): Laskennallinen yhteiskuntatiede politiikan tutkimuksessa.
  • Nelimarkka M. (2011): Eräiden kansalaisjärjestöjen verkkosivut ja osallistamisen muutos 1990-luvulta 2010-luvulle.
  • Nelimarkka M. (2009): Sähköinen osallistuminen ja virkamiesroolin sekä hallintoinstituution muutostarpeet.

Patents and invention disclosures

  • Nelimarkka M. (2011): Use of a virtual sound source to enhance a user interface.
  • Nelimarkka M., Vesterinen M., Harju T., Kulmala T., Rantala V. (2009): Method and apparatus for intuitive management of privacy settings.
  • Nelimarkka M., Ots K. (2009): Method and Apparatus for Providing Media Service.